Welcome to Mat-Su Central
Families choosing to enroll their students at Mat-Su Central are strongly encouraged to contact their previous school prior to enrolling. Neighborhood elementary and secondary schools have fantastic at-home learning options that are directly supported by teachers at that school.
Over the course of the school year, if you choose to have your students engage in at-school learning, these options will streamline the transition process from at-home to at-school learning. Families that choose at-home learning through their neighborhood school will also have seamless access to in-person high interest elective courses. For example, a student could engage in at-home learning for a majority of their courses and choose to attend music, a foreign language, or career and technical education courses in-person at their neighborhood school. If you previously enrolled at MSC but wish to change your enrollment back to your neighborhood school after learning more about their at-home learning options, our staff can help facilitate the process. If you choose Mat-Su Central even after contacting your previous school, we welcome you!
Please understand that we are making contact with families and processing enrollments as quickly and efficiently as possible. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.
John Brown, Principal
Please review the MSC COVID-19 Protocols below for more information.
2020 COVID-19 Protocol