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Class Description

Prerequisite: Drawing 1 or instructor approval


The goal of this class is to provide you with a wide range of experiences in the elements of art and design through various drawing techniques. This course challenges intermediate skill-level students to further develop their drawing skills in right brain drawing techniques. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing observation skills and learning how to draw three - dimensional objects realistically on a two dimensional surface. Assignments challenge students to develop their own personal expression through creative problem solving and encourage the development of academic skill in the elements and principles of design.

Activities and materials MAY include:

Collaborative games & projects

Blind Contour

Light and Shadow Studies

Upside Down Approach

Optical Illusions

Negative Space


Charcoal/ Pastels



Experimental Media


Daily Sketches

Special Notes

Contact Information

Tina Fisher
Art Instructor
(907) 352-1368

Other classes in this age range

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